About Maria

Dancing is feeling with your body, thinking with your body,
knowing with your body, talking with your body

Young people and children in particular are masters at this and that is why they remain an inexhaustible source of inspiration for me. They are able to think outside the box. Moving from the structure to its own interpretation is always a fascinating and creative process, always different, often surprising.

Professionally, I have worked since the late 1980s at both the Maastricht Conservatory and the Fontys Dance Academy in Tilburg. In addition, as a freelance professional, I am a regular guest at dance academies, conservatories, pedagogical institutes and the amateur dance field, both at home and abroad. I also publish from time to time in various professional journals. Dance education is central to my work, in which dance projects in both primary and secondary education play an essential role.

My work has brought me into contact with many cultures, not only geographically but also with diverse target groups through integration with music and dance; or from different perspectives. This keeps my curiosity growing, providing innovation to break new ground and take on challenges. This moves me. Dance is a constant medium in this, because in dance one meets the other: physically, cognitively, socially, culturally and emotionally.

Over the years, my voyage of discovery has led to the development of the Dance Spetters Collection. These dance ideas and musical suggestions are above all a source of inspiration for further growth.

Here I would like to bring all this together and offer the outcome of my experiences over the years to anyone interested in dance and the creative process.

I hope this can contribute to the value of dance around the world.

Dance moves me!

Maria Speth

Maria Speth